Thursday, August 28, 2014

Starting the Journey...Continuing the Conversation

 When’s the last time someone asked you a question about the Christian faith that you felt ill-equipped to answer?  Mine was last week: when Caleb asked me: “Daddy, how old will we be in heaven?”

Starting on August 31, a new Adult Education series will begin entitled Q&A.  This series will be a great opportunity to learn the basics and the depths of our great faith.  For beginners and experts in the faith, this class will be a great way to learn what we believe and why we believe it.  Our guiding text will be the Westminster Shorter Catechism, which was used for centuries as a training tool for children and new believers in the faith.  Princeton Seminary currently offers a $500 award to a seminarian who memorizes the whole thing.  (Such is the decline of our culture: something that at one time, every Sunday Schooler knew, we know have to pay seminarians to learn!).  Each week we will consider and discuss 2 or 3 questions and answers of the catechism, and I think you’ll be surprised---almost all of the things we wonder about…others have wondered about before us!  One of the great opportunities we have in standing in a theological tradition is to hear and learn from the wisdom of the past as we seek to apply it afresh in our contemporary context.  We’ll stick at this journey through the Spring, until we’ve tackled the whole catechism together!  (And let me assure you, though the word catechism might sound boring and dry, I will make sure it’s not!)

Parents!  Don’t miss this opportunity!  While your kids are in Sunday School, come join us so that when your children ambush you with questions you will be ready.  Questions like: “Daddy, if there is only one God, why do we say Jesus is God too?” or “Daddy, why didn’t God answer my prayer when I asked him to help me stop throwing up?”  (Actual questions posed to the Reverend Andrew Nagel by the young flock in his house). 

In fact, parents, there is a component to this course specifically for you!  We will use a book and several smartphone apps to encourage you to continue the conversation with your children during the week at home, so that you are equipped to take your rightful place as the primary discipler and spiritual leader in your home.  Order the book Training Hearts, Teaching Minds by Starr Meade (book or eformat of your choice) so that you and your children can be talking about eternal things between Sundays! 

So what's the blog for?  This will be a place for us to continue the conversation.  I'll post extra thoughts, notes, or details that we can't cover in the class.  I'll post interesting articles I find that are relevant to what we've been talking about.  I'll ask questions and encourage us to think through these things during the week.  If you miss a week, you can check here and stay up to speed.

Looking forward to learning and growing together!